Scotland - West Lothian Licensing Board festive hours policy - update

26 Aug

Further to our news item regarding the consultation, West Lothian Board have now adopted the following festive hours' policy:


"Subject to each application being considered on its own merits in relation to the premises and the activities which will take place within the premises the Board is prepared to relax its usual policy on terminal hours as follows -

  • to allow all nightclub premises (as defined in paragraph 9.6 of the Board's Statement of Licensing Policy 2013-2016 see below) to sell alcohol until 4am on the dates below, and
  • to allow all premises other than nightclubs to sell alcohol until 2am on the dates below 
  • 18-19, 24-26, and 31 December 2015 and 1 January 2016.

Any premises opening beyond 1am will have the following additional condition imposed -

"There shall be strictly no admittance to the premises after 1am which prevents persons leaving to smoke outwith the premises being readmitted."

Applications require to be made on the most up to date version of the form which is available from the above webpage. Applications for all of the above dates can be made using one form and should be submitted as soon as possible to allow plenty of time for your event to be planned. Applications cannot be accepted if they are made less than 35 days prior to the date of the event."

The Board also indicate that ‘a further review of the festive policy will be undertaken next year with a view to agreeing a further policy to cover the 2016/2019 period. Public consultation will be undertaken early next year'.


Law correct at the date of publication.
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